




Submarine Institute of Australia


 SIA Conference 2025 , Perth WA

Nuclear Submarines in Australia

18-20 August 2025


Pan Pacific Perth


Call for Presentations


The SIA invites Australian and international government agencies, strategic policy, maritime academic research and industry organisations to participate in the conference and to contribute presentations aligned with the conference theme.

This conference will canvas the full spectrum of sovereign and international, academic and industrial collaboration and support required to successfully provide the submarine capability necessary for Australia, including the necessity to transition to nuclear submarines.


We are considering some options for change to our program structure such that Headline Speakers (from various backgrounds) introduce submarine related topics of interest (drawn from abstract proposals), to be then followed by a Panel Discussion (panellists to include proposers of topics) and Q & A



The audience we seek for the conference includes the following:

  • Australian and International submarine enterprise participants - government, Defence, industrial and academic
  • Strategic policy organisations
  • Maritime materials organisations involved in nuclear-powered submarine construction and in-service support, including shipbuilding and repair organisations.
  • Organisations involved in analysing and improving submarine capability and the contribution to be made by submarines to the defence of Australia.

The SIA is seeking proposals for in-person presentations that align well with the conference  theme . 



Potential Areas of Interest

  • Why Nuclear Powered Submarines? The role of Nuclear-Powered Submarines in the National Defence Strategy
  • Submarine Rotational Force: Preparation and readiness
  • SSN AUKUS: Preparation and readiness to build in Australia
  • Infrastructure: Operating, supporting and building  Nuclear Powered Submarines
  • Workforce, Training, Education, Research and Skills
  • Social Licence to acquire and operate Nuclear Powered Submarines
  • AUKUS: A Trilateral Partnership
  • A national endeavour: The most complex and consequential industrial transformation in Australian history
  • Mind the Gap: The importance  and requirements of COLLINS to facilitate the transition to Nuclear Powered Submarines


To be considered for inclusion in the program you are requested to supply the following no later than Friday 16 May 2025.

  • Abstract (250 words maximum) - outlining proposed presentation title and areas of discussion, for review and acceptance by the SIA
  • Brief Bio (no more than one page) of proposed presenter
  • SIA membership status.

Please note:

  • The SIA will endeavour to select presentations for inclusion in the program and advise applicants of the outcome by Friday 6 June 2025       
  • Supporting written papers are not required.





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MacTaggart Scott Australia - Reception Sponsor [more]

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